Kráľova hoľaE-BIKE
Spoznaj svoje okolie zo sedla bicykla!
Ste s nami už najazdili.
A postupne sa naša flotila zväčšuje.
Pridaj sa k našim spokojným zákazníkom.
Výdajné miesta
Bicykle zapožičiavame v Šumiaci pod Kráľovou Hoľou a v Žiline.
E-BIKE pod Kráľovou Hoľou
Vitajte na stránkach našej požičovne e-bikov nachádzajúcej sa v Šumiaci priamo pod Kráľovou hoľou.
Máme najširší výber bicyklov za najlepšie ceny. O stav bicyklov sa stará certifikovaný mechanik z SSC (SHIMANO SERVICE CENTER) a teda ich technický stav bude na 100% úrovni. Zároveň personál na bicykloch jazdí a preto vie pomôcť vybrať vhodný bicykel pre Vás a prispôsobiť Vám ho aby ste si jazdu mohli užiť naplno.
What We Do
Living projects for portfolio
Educor is confident that training is much more than lectures and homework. therefore at each stage of the course you will work in a team of real projects.
Living projects for portfolio
Educor is confident that training is much more than lectures and homework. therefore at each stage of the course you will work in a team of real projects.
Do what likes and well earn
Training program is broken on 3 separate stages. After each step, the student gets new skills and a ready project for the portfolio. Even after the first stage you can start working.
Do what likes and well earn
Training program is broken on 3 separate stages. After each step, the student gets new skills and a ready project for the portfolio. Even after the first stage you can start working.
Only practicing teachers
Each teacher and the mentor of the course is a practitioner developer. All of them have passed the way of becoming in IT and know the subtleties of the profession.
Only practicing teachers
Each teacher and the mentor of the course is a practitioner developer. All of them have passed the way of becoming in IT and know the subtleties of the profession.
Soft skills pumping
We stand for the full development of skills, that’s why we work on both hard and soft skills, which are equally important. Here you will have the opportunity to become.
Soft skills pumping
We stand for the full development of skills, that’s why we work on both hard and soft skills, which are equally important. Here you will have the opportunity to become.
Ready to search for work
Of course, the main criterion employment - your skills and knowledge. But we will also tell you about employment in IT, teach you how to write CV correctly
Ready to search for work
Of course, the main criterion employment - your skills and knowledge. But we will also tell you about employment in IT, teach you how to write CV correctly
Prosím vyberte si dátum a čas vyzdvihnutia bicykla. Systém Vám zobrazí iba bicykle ktoré sú v danom období k dispozícii. Pri vyzdvihnutí bicykla je potrebné počítať s vrátnou kauciou 100e/bicykel.